Thursday, December 30, 2010

Welcome: Round 2

Well, here we are again. It's 1:24am and I'm sitting in my Brooklyn home, restarting this blog for a third time. The first time was just to ramble. The second time was to ramble about music. This time, it's to ramble about sports.

Recently I've been having a lot of thoughts in my head. As I head towards graduation and a new life away from home, I realize that I want to be able to say what I want, but I do not necessarily know who to talk to. About sports, life, music, hell - about fucking anything.

I'm hoping that this will be a good way for me to say what I want. I read a lot of articles and sports related material, but the one thing that I do even more is watch ESPN. Ah, ESPN. The best channel in the world. Bill Rasmussen. The man who started it all. What a genius. I wonder what it took for him to wake up and think, "I want a channel that will be 100% completely devoted to everything sports." In freshman year of college my roommate and I thought it would b cool to have a channel devoted to sports where the anchors would talk like normal people. Make fun of the athletes, curse on air - essentially they would be given free reign to say whatever they want. However, even this idea was spurned by the already existing ESPN channel. Pure. Simple. Genius. That's what ESPN is.

Ok. So this is a bit of a rambling post. When I first decided to restart this blog (about an hour ago) I didn't intend on having this post be about ESPN. That was simply a thought that came to my head that needed to be said. ESPN is the reason I wanted to start this blog again anyways. I mean, people like Woody Paige and Jay Mariotti (you know, the guy who was arrested over the summer for domestic battery) get paid to say what they want about sports, why can't I? For the record, I'm pretty sure Mariotti doesn't get paid to do so anymore. AOL dropped him after his arrest and so did ESPN. Either way, if they can do it, why can't I? I love making fun of athletes and things in American sports today. I also love sitting at a computer and writing my thoughts, but usually I'm forced to do it in the form of some history paper or lesson plan. Well not anymore!

First blog is going to come within the next few days. I've got some ideas for the first couple of posts. Here they are:
1. Brett Favre
2. Modern sport becoming soft

I don't know why I've been writing this entire thing as if there is actually someone reading this or even listening but it helps to make the words come out.

Happy Fuckin' New Years.

1 comment:

  1. Someone is reading, Matthias! Good stuff. Check out this website, based on your Welcome Round 2: Happy New Year!
